How to use and navigate the elearning zone


How should I access and use this site?



To enrol in a course simply read the course description (taking note of any pre-requisites) and then click on the course name.

If you are not already logged in you will be asked to login or if this is your first time here, you should click on the button ‘Create new account’.

If you do not have a login username and password, the system will ask you to set one up.  Take care to enter your first name and surname details as you would like them to be used in our emails to you.

An email will be immediately sent to your email inbox and in this email there will be a link you can click on (or type into your web browser) to validate your new account.

If you are enrolling in any of the free courses HI101-01 & -02, HI201-01 to -04 or HI203-01 to -03 courses, you can proceed directly and commence your course.

If you are enrolling in any of the higher level DipHI courses, you will be asked to confirm that you wish to enroll by clicking the ‘Yes’ button.  All enrolments for courses above HI203-04 undergo our moderator approval process. First, you should immediately receive an email to acknowledge your request for enrolment. Then, following our moderator procedures you will receive an email to inform you that you have been ‘accepted’ or ‘not accepted’ for the study course.

Once you have received your ‘accepted’ email, you may commence your course at your convenience.

Please do not be concerned if you receive an enrolment ‘rejected’ email. When this occurs it usually means a) a pre-requisite requirement has not yet been met or more often b) the next class cycle will start soon but for now it is not yet ready to commence.

Simpy, re-check that you meet all the pre-requisites if so, wait until the weekend activation. Note that whilst you may wish to progress through the program rapidly, there are some internal constraints built in to the program and the best thing to do is revise and explore the course content and elinks to their full.

Contact us at any time if you have any questions or need further assistance.

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